Thursday, February 14, 2008

HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY!!!!

Happy Valentines Day! Today I tried to do some fun stuff for the girls so for breakfast I made strawberry muffins in Valentines paper wraps, did their hair with cute Valentines ribbons in it, and put them in heart shirts. For dinner I had to continue with the "festivities" so I made heart shaped french toast and vanilla pudding with pink and red sprinkles in heart shaped tins for dessert! All in all we've had a great day eventhough poor McKinley woke up with a high fever (103.4) and not feeling well. For a fun evening activity we're going to put on our jammies and watch a movie together! I hope your holiday was as fun as ours was. Here are some pictures taken throughout the day.
Here are the yummy strawberry muffins I made for breakfast! My super cute Shaylie eating breakfast! Shaylie's cute hair do!

My poor sick McKinley (she was trying to be happy).

Even though she didn't feel good she was a trooper and got all cleaned up and in her cute Valentines Day shirt! What a good sport! McKinley's cute hair do! Our YUMMY dinner (notice the heart shaped french toast)! Dessert...........yum! Here's the LOOT!


Beccarigg said...

You're such a good mom! What great ideas to make Valentines special for your girls! I hope McKinley gets feeling better : )

Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

Looks like you had a great day! The girls are so cute! How fun for them to have such a great day with their mommy! Smiles

C. Houghton said...

These are such fun ideas! I need to do things like this next year with my girls :)