Thursday, March 20, 2008

Awards, Hair Cuts, Tea Parties, and Jiu Jitsu!!!

It's been a while since my last post on here so I decided I should do a "catch up" post and let you know what's been going on since Valentine's Day.
To start it off, Shaylie received an award at school for basically doing her VERY best work in all areas. Shaylie is on the highest reading level in her 1st grade class (the level she's on for take home books would normally be for 4th grade), she gets 100% consistently on her math and spelling, and is an all around great student! She was thrilled that her daddy was able to make it to this award assembly to see her.

Both girls were in need of getting their hair trimmed up so I took them to Great Clips here in Springville and had my friend Bailie cut their hair. Ok, Shaylie got her hair cut and McKinley got a trim (as many of you know we can't actually cut much off of McKinley's hair). Shaylie and I decided to go short with her hair so instead of her hair being down below her shoulder blades it is now a little above her shoulders, and she looks ADORABLE! For McKinley it was the same thing as usual, a trim, just to even out the left and right sides, and she still looks as CUTE as ever! (Maybe someday McKinley's hair will grow and she'll get an actual hair cut instead of a trim.)

Just look at those curls!!!!

Shaylie's cute short hair!!!!

One morning after dropping Shaylie off at school I was busy cleaning and realized I hadn't seen or heard McKinley so I went into the playroom and found that she was busy having a teaparty with her dolls! Let me just say it was too cute! She had set the table and had "everyone" in their own chairs.

And last but not least, the girls had evaluations in Jiu Jitsu last week! Both of them did AWESOME! Shaylie recieved 2 stripes towards her "high yellow" belt in the youth division, and McKinley earned her "green strip belt" in the Samurai Kids division!

Working the heavy bags! (I was able to get both girls at the same time!)

Hopefully you enjoyed this round of pictures! I'll try to be better about posting more often. Have a wonderful Easter weekend!


T + 2 said...

Cute hair cuts girls!! Congrats on the award Shaylie!

Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

Cute pics nicole. I love Shaylies new do, its cute! Got to love the moments when your little ones wonder off and are content with their toys! Too cute! Happy Easter!