Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow and Playing with Daddy!

So lately there has been A LOT of snow coming down and the girls have enjoyed playing in it (to a point). Here are some random pictures of the girls in the snow and playing with Marc inside where it's warm!

Here's some pictures of the girls playing with daddy!

Here's our dog Princess sleeping through all of the excitement!

Here's one of my favorite pictures of my cute girls with their daddy! Getting ready for bed and ready a quick story, can you tell McKinley chose the book!


Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

What cute pics! Your girls are so cute! Such daddys girls.. Cute pics with him reading a book. thats just priceless.

C. Houghton said...

I love the pictures - they are so stinkin cute. The picture with Marc is adorable!