Thursday, August 14, 2008


As you are all aware it has been HOT lately so the girls and I have done what we can to stay cool while having fun and enjoying the sunny summer weather we're having. We've eaten MANY popsicles, had water fights, watched movies (We LOVE central air!), swam in our own pool and gone to public pools. Here are some cute pictures of the girls doing what they LOVE, playing in the WATER at Veterans Pool (I only have pictures of them in the kiddie area, I didn't take my camera into the big pool)!

McKinley posing after coming out of the waterslide! Too stinkin cute!

Shaylie right after coming out of the waterslide! So cute!

McKinley using one of the many valves to squirt water out into the pool, and posing AGAIN!

Shaylie holding her breath and swimming under water!

Me and my girls!

Me, enjoying the sun!


Mike and Lillian Montoya said...

Looks like you are having loads of fun with your girls this summer. It is too hot to not go swimming!! I love that pool too. Hope all is well.

T + 2 said...

Fun fun fun! You should give us a call and we'll meet you there sometime!

C. Houghton said...

Looks like you guys are enjoying the summer time...looks like it might end a little too soon. Even though for the past 2 months I've been saying it's too hot now that I'm pregnant, I know I'll miss it when it's gone & the snow hits :(