Monday, July 14, 2008


Since I haven't been staying on top of updating our blog like I should I decided that I would do a "catch-up" post. We have been busy bees lately and with the weather finally deciding to stay warm I don't see us slowing down at all. Since McKinley's birthday party Shaylie and Marc competed in a grappling tournament, Shaylie took 3rd in the kids division (I was beyond proud!)! McKinley graduated from Preschool! We also went to the zoo with my family, several shooting trips, the Carnival, the Springville Art City Days Parade, days at the park, swimming, etc., etc., etc. Well here we go with the pictures, ENJOY!

McKinley with her teachers on Graduation Day!

The Grad! Did I mention I love this girl!

Shaylie wearing her medal! She did awesome and we were totally proud and impressed by her (she was the smallest one in the kids division)!

Marc and Shaylie in their medals! (I love this picture of them.)

Shaylie and McKinley at the parade!

Marc and McKinley at the parade.

Watching the parade.

I'll post pictures from the 4th of July soon! (maybe)


C. Houghton said...

Thanks for the update. I think I was having Nicole & family withdrawals haha.
I just love the girls' outfits from the parade. They are so cute. I can't believe that your baby has graduated Preschool! WOW will be going into the big K this year crazy.
Well looks like you guys have stayed very busy & have been having fun. Good for you guys to do some fun stuff during the summer.
Can't wait for some more updates.

T + 2 said...

YAY pictures!! I can't believe how big the girls are getting! And, of course, cute as ever! Congrats on your graduation McKinley and congrats on taking 3rd Shaylie!!!!